Book Awards with Charitable Programs #BookAwards #Charity #InDarknessBeLight #WATWB

In a world that is becoming more about take than give, it’s nice to know that there are people and organizations that believe that providing for fellow Earth dwellers is important.

Firebird logo as seen on Speak Up Talk Radio
Firebird as seen on Speak Up Talk Radio

Speak Up Talk Radio provides opportunities for book authors to showcase their books (old, new, and not-yet-published) before a panel of judges in their Firebird Book Award quarterly contest. Their fee benefits a charitable organization. Visit here to learn more.

My friend and colleague, Lynn Hallbrooks, shares her perspective on this organization in her latest blog post.

If you are on Twitter, I would think that the hostess of Speak Up Talk Radio would welcome your follow. Check out the Twitter perch here.

Diabolic Shrimp logo
Diabolic Shrimp

Josh Grant provides opportunities for fellow authors to showcase their works on his website, Diabolic Shrimp. He has a list of charities that he supports listed here. As for book awards, the first annual Shrimpy Award Contest winners will be announced on May 1, 2021. Josh has a unique perspective on the content provided for the contest and how things will work into the future. Check that out here.

We Are The World - logo -
In Darkness, Be Light - motto
We Are The World – In Darkness, Be Light

We Are The World Blogfest is undergoing some changes. One of them is that there will no longer be a Linky List provided. If interested, you can learn more here. However, you will still be able to find blogfest post links on Facebook and Twitter. While you are on one or the other of these social media platforms, please show some support through follows, likes, retweets, or shares. The more positivity out in the world, the more light will shine. This could provide a way out of the darkness for those who may need it.

Another change is there will now be two co-hosts each month, beginning April 2021. This month’s co-hosts are Belinda Witzenhausen and Sylvia McGrath. Please click on their names to be provided the opportunity to see what they have to share. By the way, they are both fellow authors and readers.

Thank you for your time. I hope the information I’ve provided will allow you an opportunity to support our fellow Earth dwellers and spread some positivity around like candy sprinkles on cupcakes. Hmm, I guess it’s snack time. What’s your favorite food to munch while writing and/or reading?

Ashlynn Waterstone

Author-in-training at Call Sign Wrecking Crew, LLC

Copyright © 2021 – All rights reserved.

7 thoughts on “Book Awards with Charitable Programs #BookAwards #Charity #InDarknessBeLight #WATWB

  1. Great post! Looks like a great opportunity and the fact that the entry fee goes to charity is a win win! Thanks so much for sharing this and for all you do for #WATWB. Stay safe and be well! Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Ashlynn, how wonderful that these people are doing so much to spread awareness and encouragement to authors who don’t get many opportunities to showcase their work by setting up those needed opportunities. HAve a lovely weekend and another HUGE thank you you do for #WATWB behind the scenes .. have a lovely weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

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